Your Baby is 3 Months Old

Your baby will spend more time awake and alert from now on. Your will enjoy interacting with your baby and receiving a joyful smile in return. Enjoy these months of peace because your baby will be mobile soon.

Milestones This Month

Baby Development at 3 Months

Your baby will go through a growth spurt at 3 months. According to the growth charts from the World Health Organization, an average 3-month-old baby girl should way around 12.9 pounds (5.85 kilograms) and a 3-month-old boy around 14.1 pounds (6.40 kilograms). Babies come in all shapes and sizes, just like adults. As long as your little one is growing and happy try not to worry about his or her weight.

Your baby’s movements are becoming smoother now. Make sure you give him or her plenty of space to stretch out the arms and legs. These movements will help tone and strengthen your baby’s muscles. Some baby’s may be able to move or roll over at this stage.

Have you heard your baby’s laugh yet? Around 3 months, babies develop the ability to laugh out loud. He or she will also start “talking” by stringing along sound like ‘ah’ and ‘oh’. Be sure to talk back to your baby, because he or she will talk back to you.

Your little one can also grasp or grab on to objects now. Be sure to give him or her plenty of sensory and colourful items to help with development.

Baby Tip

Babies go through many developmental changes in the first year. So, don’t be too strict with your baby routine. Have a plan but don’t hesitate to modify it.

Supporting Your Baby


You may feel that your breastfed baby is feeding a lot less, but this is only because he or she is becoming more efficient. Your baby should be feeding every 3 to 4 hours at this stage. As long as he or she is steadily gaining weight and looks content after feeding everything is ok.

A formula-fed baby would be getting about 6 to 8 bottles with 5 ounces of milk every day. Keep track of your baby’s bowel movements to ensure the baby is feeding enough.


Your three-month-old still need anywhere between 14 to 17 hours of sleep per day. He or she is likely sleeping about 10 hours at night, broken down to one long phase (~6 hours) and one short (hopefully!). The total amount of time spent napping during the day amounts to about 5 hours.

When baby’s go through growth spurts, they need to feed more often. There is a growth spurt at 3 months, so your baby may go through a sleep regression. Your baby will feed more often, be a bit crankier and wake up more during the night. Try not to get frustrated with change to your routine. Give your baby plenty to eat, snuggles and wait it out.


Your baby may not talk for a while, but at the moment he or she is busy learning to recognize patterns and tones. The temporal lobe is bursting with activity right now, so this may be a great time to start adding books to your library. Read to your baby often and make sure you vary the pitch, accents or the tone of your voice to catch the attention. You can start with a few board books or brightly coloured books, but don’t be limited to baby books or age appropriate books at this stage. You can even read your baby a book you are enjoying at this stage.

Can Baby’s Cord Blood Stem Cells be Used for Siblings or Other Family Members?

There is a high probability that your child’s cord blood stem cells can be used for siblings and other family members. Your child’s cord blood stem cells will be a perfect match to your child. However, it may also be very useful for other members of your family. There is a 25% chance that your child’s cord blood can be used for one of his/her siblings, and there is also a high chance that your child’s cord blood stem cells can be used for parents or grandparents.

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Cord Blood Basics

Understanding cord blood and cord tissue banking

Monthly Checklist

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