Your Baby is 7 Months Old

Has your baby started crawling yet? If not, enjoy these last few weeks of peace before tumbles, bumps and pinches become a constant part of your day.

Milestones This Month

Baby Development at 7 Months

According to the growth charts from the World Health Organization, an average 7-month-old baby girl should way around 16.8 pounds (7.62 kilograms) and a 7-month-old boy around 18.3 pounds (8.30 kilograms).

Your little one is now crawling or will start to crawl very soon. Make sure your house is baby proof. Get down on your belly and search your house to make sure you have covered or removed every possible hazard. If your baby is able to sit unassisted but shows little interest in crawling don’t be surprised if he or she starts ‘scooting’ on his or her bum rather than crawling.  Some babies prefer ‘scoot’ while sitting. The important thing is your baby is moving. He or she is able to get from one spot to another. The mode used to achieve this objective is not as important as getting your baby to move.

Your baby’s motor skills are steadily developing at this stage. He or she may be able to bang pots and pans together, drink from a cup, pick up small pieces of food and bring them to their mouth and even clap hands. Dress your baby in loose, comfortable clothing that won’t restrict movements. Avoid buttons, bows or long ties, which may become choking hazards. You may want to leave the dressing up for special outings, so you don’t have to worry about running a precious outfit while your baby is exploring.

Does your baby have a favourite stuffed toy? If this is the case, you should be celebrating this milestone. Your baby is showing signs of independence, where he or she is slowly but surely separating from being completely dependent of you. We recommend purchasing at least two (even three) spares of this favourite toy if possible.

Baby Tip

Give your baby a boiled egg. Recent studies show introducing allergenic foods early may prevent food allergies in children.

Supporting Your Baby


Breast milk or formula is still your baby’s main form of sustenance. Your baby should be getting 6 to 8 ounces of formula about four to six times a day. If you are breastfeeding, your baby is probably feeding every 4 to 6 hours still.

Your 7-month-old is probably not eating enough solids at this point to feel full. He or she is likely eating anywhere between 4 to 9 tablespoons of food. If you are following baby-led weaning, it would be difficult to gauge exactly how much your baby is eating. If your baby is not a big eater, remember, at this stage eating solids is just a practice exercise. It’s another way for you baby to bond with other family members and become part of mealtimes.

Research shows introducing allergenic foods like eggs early on may prevent food allergies in children. So, other than unpasteurized honey and food items that present a chocking hazard to the baby, keep introducing your little one to new tastes and textures. Feel free to introduce meats and other sources of protein to your baby. The only rule of thumb you should be following is introducing only one new item at a time.


Your 7-month-old should be getting around 14 hours of sleep in a 24hour period. He or she should get about 9 to 11 hours of sleep at night. But at this point, your baby may switch to taking 2 long naps instead of 3 short ones. With this new schedule, you may be able to incorporate more activities into your day like a baby class or a morning walk to your routine.

Some parents choose to sleep train in order to get their baby to fall asleep independently. The goal is to train your baby to fall asleep unassisted, so if he or she will be able to put themselves back to sleep if woken up in the middle of the night. Sleep training is not for every family. Stick to what you feel is right for you and your baby.

Healthy Teeth

Your baby will cut his or her first tooth (or more) soon. If you haven’t already, it is important to introduce your baby to brushing teeth early. Make sure your wipe his baby teeth with a washcloth or a cotton pad after meals and before bed. Don’t let your baby fall asleep with a bottle in the mouth and try to do the final breastfeed before brushing teeth if possible. These practices will help minimize tooth decay.

The future of Stem Cell Therapy

This lesson focuses on the future of stem cell therapies by exploring how scientists around the world are engaged in promising clinical trials to extend the potential of stem cells.

Stem cell research is one of the fastest-growing branches of medical research. Over 1000 clinical trials are exploring the use of both cord blood and cord tissue stem cells to treat diseases such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, breast cancer, liver failure and arthritis. There has been a tremendous amount of growth in the number of clinical trials from 2004 to 2018.

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